Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Power of Hugs

The Power of Hugs

By Michelle Morovaty

Can you recall a time when you experienced a Hug so unforgettable?

This Hug was so juicy and it felt so gooooooood! This Hug that you received changed your day. This Hug raised your energy. This Hug that you received was Awesome in every way. This Hug was like God hugging you! God hugging us.

Can you recall a time when you Hugged someone and they felt so goooooood? They just didn't want to let go of your Hug. Your Hug changed their day. Have you ever hugged someone who is going through a hard time and your Hug just lifted their energy level to such a level that they were able to see the light?

The Power of our hands wrapped around another human being. God has given us such a Gift. God has given us such a Powerful Gift. This Gift has the Power to heal not only us but others as well.

When was the last time you gave yourself a Hug? Silly? Only if we believe so.

Do you believe that you are deserving of a Hug? I do!

I know that we are all deserving of embracing God's Gifts. Let us all start today to expect God's Gifts to humanity in such a way that healing takes place when we wrap our arms around ourselves and each other. Let us believe that God only wants the best for us. Let us believe that God has given us many Gifts to play and live with. We must open up our eyes and hearts to experience this truth.

Today and every day in every way I encourage all of us to let go of our perception that we are beneath God's truth, for God's truth is our truth.

Let us all open up to want to receive the gifts of Hugs and give this gift to others. What goes around, comes around.

Let us circulate God's gifts in our lives and be a channel of good. What else is more pleasing than this to bring Joy to our Souls and to others?

Today Give yourself a Hug from the God within you and truly experience the Power of Hugs through your own Soul. Then, if you choose to go forward, give another being your Godly Hug. For we are all worthy and deserving of this healing act of Kindness and Generosity.

With Big Hugs.

I love you. I love you. I love you.


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