Love is being brought forth in every
conceivable way for what appears
tragic is a greater opportunity to stop,
look and feel everything that surrounds
you. It is not meant to hurt but to open
each of you to not only feel but to
choose…and the choices expand in
knowing and the heart opens through
Choices that appear to be hard
choices are truly heart choices. Loving
awareness, conscious participation,
moving through the illusion of fear and
loss, transcending into light. You are
expanding. You fall to your knees and
ask the same questions but in the quiet
the answer is found for love is alive and
love shall conquer all. For the sword of
truth is swift and mighty and cuts
through all pretense and falsehoods
and the sword is not mine alone but is
gifted to all who choose to see, to feel,
to go forward in strength, wielding the
sword, not to be the victor but to use
this sacred symbol as the illuminator. It
shall illuminate all, your strengths and
your weaknesses, your trials and your

How do you see with the sword at your
side? Do you see the battle or the
illumination? The light of Christ and the
heart of Mary Magdalene illuminates
the sword of truth and courage. This
trinity, from the origin of all, these
hands of truth clasped upon the sword,
upon the sword in unity, oneness, no
gender, for in no gender there is no
This vision shall now be yours. This
knowing awakens your heart. This love
most pure, most divine. This blessing
offered in love.
This knowledge received in truth.
Keep your grasp upon the sword. Allow
it to enlighten and enliven your heart.
Feel the strength in the power of truth.
Rise ever higher through your own free
will. See this image, now remembered.
Bathe yourself in all aspects of
The power in this is unimaginable.
The strength in this can move
The belief in this can transform all.
I see, I believe, I am

Mwah x