Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Leave Memories of Appreciation

Leave Memories of Appreciation

by Kathleen Gage

What would life be like if you could decide moment by moment your state of mind? What if you could have complete control over your response to any situation life holds for you? What if you could live in the space of gratitude and appreciation regardless of the economy, loss, change or uncertainty?

Seem impossible? If not impossible, difficult at best? Living is a state of appreciation no matter what may seem unrealistic and unattainable to many people.

For lots of people it is. Yet for others it is believable, doable and realistic. It is a way of life.

If you’ve ever encountered someone who lives with this type of appreciation you may wonder how it is possible. Unless of course, you are this type of person.

For those who have a deep understanding of how magical life becomes when they live in this space there is no question as to how simple it is.

Then there are those who feel gratitude and appreciation only when things are going their way.

It’s easy to be grateful when all is going our way; there’s money in the bank, food in the refrigerator, a new car in the garage, a winning poker hand, or just about anything that is external stimuli that generates good feelings – at least for a short period of time.

The problem is when the externals are not as we would like, what happens to one’s level of appreciation. For many people, everything goes south. Some quickly move into the poor me syndrome. This is where we feel victimized by events that transpire.

The truth is life is sometimes tough, sometimes hurts, and is sometimes unfair. Different people respond in different ways. Some will immediately move into a space of resentment while others will know that this too shall pass.

So how do they do it? How do those who can stay grateful regardless of outward circumstances keep a deep level of appreciation no matter what?

There are a few simple steps that can be taken to move closer to living this way more times than not.

First, acknowledge it WILL take a conscious effort. After all, if one immediately grows resentful, fearful or angry when things don’t go their way, this is extremely unconscious behavior.

The next thing is to set the intention of how you want to respond to all life has to offer. By setting an intention for a specific response we are more likely to achieve it.

When you are lost for what to do, don’t do anything. Simply be. Be with what is right in front of you.

Each moment of every day is an opportunity to create miracles. Each moment is a moment we create a memory. It can be as simple as being kind to all those we come in contact with because we just happen to be in the space of total appreciation. Perhaps, it is getting outside of our comfort zone to help another because we believe this will make a difference in their day and offer them a level of appreciation. Maybe it’s just being happy to be. Simple as that.

All the moments of our life are the memories we leave behind when our time is done. What memories will you leave?


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