Saturday, January 8, 2011

Creating a Spiritual Family Through Loving Service


Creating a Spiritual Family Through Loving Service

by Marie C. Barrett

The most valuable thing in the cosmos is the opportunity to spiritually serve others and then to build your extended spiritual family around you.

Why? Because desiring and taking action to help effect the greater good and happiness of another, is to truly love at a transformative level of love. When you serve and seek no specific benefit for yourself, you raise the consciousness of the whole of humanity. How so? Because service to others is Love and Love is the highest order of BEing in the known universe.

The most powerful way to serve and love others –and grow yourself- is by assisting them in their transformation of consciousness. Even the slightest relational experience of knowing someone else cares, may cause a spark of hope in a mind and heart that till that moment, was bereft of feeling lovable. Can you imagine the transformation of spirit that such a person, touched by love and friendship, must experience? Can you now see that to serve, to give, to share your inner glow of love, is the greatest gift you can give?

So what's holding you back? If you know you were born for greater things, and you were, what's holding you back from becoming the expanded version of yourself that you feel called to express, but of which you are afraid? If fear is holding you back, ask "What is fear?" Fear is not even real. It is an imagined inability to cope with imagined problems that may or may not arise in your future experience. And you let fear hold you back?

Every single day you can expand your relationships, your friendships and thereby your spiritual family: your real spiritual brothers, sisters, children and friends. Your spiritual family is all the people with whom you share your spirit of wisdom, your values, your ideals and, above all, your love.

It may be said your physical family is a birth accident. But your spiritual family grows around you as you become more and more the conscious creator of your life. Is it not in your best interest, as an act of Love for yourself –as well as for others- to transform those around you by your expanded and loving presence?

In a spirit of giving, of loving and of forgetting differences, as an act of love for family, share your self realization, your heightened awareness of what life can hold and mean for others. When you are willing to be more today than you were yesterday, you automatically expand your sphere of influence for good, and grow your spiritual family around you.

Imagine a family, a job, a city, a planet transformed, because you gave yourself permission to be fully you. And in giving this gift to yourself, you give permission to others to express and become the fullness of who they are as well.

What would it be like if everyone around you was transformed? If there was love, support and understanding in relationships; if there was abundance and prosperity for all; if the world was free of addictions and substance abuse; and free of crime and violence?

Transformation is an opportunity for people to expand to more Life, not an invalidation of the life they have now. As you live to your full potential, you are automatically in service of others by your presence as BEing; then your presence allows others their space to BE, and then, too, the dream we have of 'peace of earth, goodwill to men', will be our living and lasting reality.

Let's conclude with a quote from Marianne Williamson:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate; our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."

Do not be afraid any longer. Life is too short and every day is precious beyond measure.


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