Wednesday, September 16, 2009

We Are One With All


We Are One With All

By Tom Robarge
tomrobarge. com

We are all together, we are all one, there is no other, just us~

When we realize that we are one with all things, this is an important step towards enlightenment~ We have always been and we will always be, there is no beginning or end, just now, just us~

Together we created the heavens and the earth~ We watched man take his first step and we watched man have his first fall~ We watched man grow and populate this planet~ We watched man turn against himself and we wonder why? Why is it so hard to understand that we are one? That when we hurt another we are really hurting ourselves? That when we go to war against one another that we are really warring against ourselves? Why do we want to destroy ourselves? We are all one, there is no you or me, just us~

I am you and you are me, together we are one~ We are one with Adam and Eve in the garden~ We are one with Jesus on the cross~ We are one with Buddha and Mohammad~ We are the masters and the slaves~ We are the giver and the receiver~ What we do onto others we do onto ourselves because we are one~ We are God, we always have been and we always will be~

We just need to wake up and realize who we are~ Once we realize who we are, we will be able to create the world the way we want it~ We will be able to put an end to suffering and pain~ We will be disease free~ There will be no hunger because we will have the power to feed all the people~ Just as Jesus was able to feed the crowd of five thousand with a few fish and a few loaves of bread~ We will be able to feed the world~ Every man, woman and child will be able to go to bed at night with a full stomach and a warm place to sleep~ Every man, woman and child will be able to live the life that today they only dream about~

How is possible you ask? It is really very simple~ We need to learn to walk by the spirit and teach others how to walk by the spirit~ As more people begin to do this they will find that all their needs will be meet~ Then they in turn will be able to help and teach others how to walk by the spirit~ We have at our disposal all that is needed to change the world and make it a better place~ We just need to go within ourselves for all the answers to today's problems~ That is the only way it can be done~ Not with power or might but with the spirit~ That still small voice that is within all of us will lead us down the right path to real freedom~


All is ours if only we would accept it

All is possible if only we would believe

All is available if only we would seek for it

All is spirit

All is love

All is joy

All is happiness

All is peace

All is because we are

All is now


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