Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With The Stars

By Michelle Morovaty

To dance with the stars is to dance with your own being, is to reveal the spark within you every step of the way. For words have power to create, what will happen now when we speak the spoken words such as "Let the spark within me reveal itself each day as I shine amongst all".

To dance with the stars is to dance within our loved ones with love and gratitude. To live this life of pleasure is to dance with all in such a way that is calming and soothing to our Souls.

To dance with the stars is to dance with the compassion for life itself as we are life. To dance is to stride with patience, forgiveness and self-
acceptance, is to move through life with flexibility toward oneself and all.

To dance with the stars is to let go and allow the Infinite Intelligence within each and every one of us guide us through the light. To be present with each movement in life. To flow in consciousness as the wind flows through each one of us making its way to the other side where ever that is.

To dance with the stars is to reveal our true potential as our true selves. Is to create oneness within and without. Is to experiment and to experience the light within each one us as in taking a chance to grow and flourish.

To dance with the stars is to dance with the truth within us. Is to be open and allow the truth within us to reveal itself to create fun and laughter in our lives. Is to banish all thoughts of lacks and limitations and to be one with all abundance in all things. Is to be one with the universe.

To dance with the stars is to live a grand life of Unity and Wholeness. Is to accept what is and be determined to persevere through all of the processes. Is to be open to inviting our true perceptions to ever presently shine through us, where ever we are and we are not. For the truth in our consciousness lives on and so does our spirit.

Knowing that as we dance our lives away in form and out of form, we are unique emanations of the almighty Universe, so beautiful inside and out. So desirable inside and out. For we all have something of magnificence to offer from our source of truth.

Let us all move forward with delight as to dance with the stars inside our hearts and allow our hearts to express the divine love within. For truly we are all able to dance and the stars are ever available for support. For we are all one.


1 comment:

  1. This is both tranquil and empowering in a very beautiful way....

