The Freedom of Understanding
By Evette Gardner
Each must be free to choose his own understanding. This is the origin of freewill. It is the freedom to perceive reality, the freedom to interpret Truth in any manner you please. This is what makes Truth both constant and limitless; both Absolute and relative. If a thousand people were to look at the same light each from a different angle, each person would have a different perspective of the one thing being viewed by all. Truth is like this light.
Truth is everlasting, omnipresent, Absolute. Truth, Itself, does not ever change. However, our understanding of Truth is constantly evolving. It is through this understanding that we fashion our unique points of view. It is through this understanding that we create the realities we experience. For our experiences in life are born directly from our expectations of life. In other words, whatever you suppose life to be; whatever you suppose life to involve is exactly what your life experience reflects. This is what the Law of Attraction (which we have been hearing and reading so much about lately) is all about. There is no limit to the possibilities of creation because there is no limit to the number of ways Truth may be understood. And this openness towards different perspectives should be honored without fear because this is what makes Truth, though changeless, also boundless. Each one’s understanding offers a different expression of the One thing endeavored to be understood because each one creates in his or her experience the effects commiserate with their degree of awareness or ignorance of Absolute Truth. With this understanding comes the realization that there is no need to ever feel threaten by points of views which are different from your own. Because with this understanding you will come to appreciate that you can only (and will only), regardless of what anyone else is experiencing in life, invite into your own personal experience of life your own personal expectations of life. And this is a magnificent thing.
To truly celebrate the limitless brilliance of the One Creator (the One who resides within all of creation as the single Inner Witness of All); to truly glorify His infinite magnificence we must, as Yogi Ramacharaka puts it, “permit each man to shine by his own light.” To this end, each must be free to choose his own understanding. To attempt to manipulate another person (through fear, dishonesty or any other mechanism) in order to try to make them view the world through the same lens from which you view the world violates this inherent attribute of life’s boundlessness. To attempt to manipulate another person in order to try to make them view the world through the same lens from which you view the world invites instability into your own life experience as a consequence of this violation.
Again, each must be free to choose his own understanding. This is the basis of freewill. No matter how dim the luminance of Self Awareness appears in another person, have the faith to let each one shine by their own light. Have faith in the certainty that all apparent displays of dimness will ultimately evolve to brilliance over time. And have the wisdom to appreciate that it does not ever aid another person, whose light may seem less evident than yours, to be led by the light that radiates through you. Have the wisdom to appreciate that it is only by recognizing the brilliant light perceived in others, within one’s own self that enlightenment may be realized. Have faith... To each must always be his own.
