2012: The End is Nowhere Near
by Owen Waters
The closer we get to 2012, the more you will hear, “The End is Near!”
Throughout history, there have always been sects warning that the end of the world was imminent. 2012 seems to hold a special attraction to a wide segment of end-time believers. The main concern springs from Mayan cosmology, which indicated that a significant number of cosmic cycles are due to come to a close on December 21, 2012.
Mayan 2012
The last time I looked, when a cycle ends, a new one begins. It's not the end of anything other than the old cycle. So, 2012 is not about fanciful disasters or the end of the world.
2012 is about great change and a resetting of cosmic cycles in order to usher in a new and more positive era.
The actual day will no doubt pass by quietly, just like any other day. My prediction for disasters that could occur on the big day is this:
“Nothing out of the ordinary will occur on December 21, 2012.”
Remember Y2K? Big hype, no disasters.
2012 will be another anti-climactic non-event, just like Y2K.
Let’s face it. The Sun is billions of years old. It has seen all these cosmic cycles come and go, many times over, and the Sun is still here. And, on December 22, 2012, so will we still be here!
The End of Time

Time was created so that change can be experienced.
Before time was time, there was only the eternal Now, existing in a state of perfect, unchanging beingness. One day – billions of years from now – when the chronicles of history are finally over, time will end. Time will be wrapped back up into that from which it came: The eternal, unchan- ging Now.
And, when it happens, you will be there to witness the grand event because life is immortal.
The universe will ultimately fold back into itself because all life will have evolved back to the threshold of its original state as Infinite Being. You will be there, at the end of time, as will all life forms in existence today.
The Great News about 2012
When each cycle completes, it restarts again. After 2012, all the cycles will be in new, positive phases and constructive change will be the order of the day.
After 2012, positive change will come easily. Spiritual growth will become easier than ever before and society will be more prepared to move forward into the dawning New Reality.
2012 is not the end. It is the beginning of a wonderful new world of opportunity for positive transformation.
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