Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Can You Hear Your Angels?


Can You Hear Your Angels?

by Doreen Virtue

A LITTLE GIRL STARES at the space near her left shoulder, having a seemingly one-sided conversation. “Who are you talking to, sweetheart?” her mother asks.

“My angel,” the girl replies matter-

The girl’s mother recounted to me later, “The funny thing is, we aren’t a religious family, and we’ve never discussed angels in front of her. As far as I know, she hasn’t had any exposure to the idea.”

I’ve heard similar stories from parents around the world. Children are definitely more receptive to seeing and hearing their angels than the average adult. And why is that? In my research, I’ve found that the primary reason is that children don’t care whether the angel and its message constitute reality or fantasy. They simply enjoy the experience without questioning its validity. Perhaps that’s why a study by Dr. William MacDonald of The Ohio State University found that children had more verifiable psychic experiences that any other age-group.

We adults get so uptight about whether we’re imagining an angel’s presence that we often dismiss legitimate Divine guidance! If we could be a child and suspend disbelief for a while, we could enjoy deeper and richer experiences of God and the angelic kingdom. However, our grown-up left brain often rules the roost and demands proof and evidence. And perhaps painful experiences have made us guarded in this respect. We want guarantees that our lives really will improve before we’re willing to quit our jobs and become self-employed, or leave the town where we grew up.

Fortunately, some distinguishing characteristics
help us to tell true angelic experiences from wishful thinking (or fear-based energy). They occur to us through our four Divine senses: vision, hearing, thoughts, and feelings. We all receive angelic messages through these senses. However, we have one primary sense that we’re particularly attuned to. For instance, I’m a highly visual person, so most of my angelic experiences come as visions. Others might be more attuned to their gut feelings, thoughts, or inner ears.



An emotional or physical “feeling” is the way in which most people experience their angels. When you’re unsure whether you’re really experiencing an angelic visit or message, here are 11 signs you can check for after your encounter:

1. You feel warm and cuddly, like a loving hug.
2. It makes you feel safe, even if it’s warning you of danger.
3. It is accompanied by disembodied fragrances of flowers or your deceased loved one’s distinct scent.
4. It leaves an indent in the couch or bed, as if someone has just sat next to you.
5. It causes air-pressure or temperature changes.
6. You feel like someone is touching your head, hair, or shoulder.
7. It causes you to be sleepy or hyper afterward.
8. It gives you a deep belief that “this is real.”
9. It creates repetitious and consistent gut feelings to make a certain life change, or to take a certain step.
10. It seems as though a familiar person is next to you, such as sensing a particular deceased loved one.
11. It feels natural as if the experience is coming to you freely.

Instead of doubting your ability to connect with your angels, look at how you already receive messages from Heaven and how you can enhance that connection even more.


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