Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cleaning Out the Spiritual Closet

Cleaning Out the Spiritual Closet

by Danielle Garcia

It all began with one of those “weekend” projects that lasted more like two weeks. My husband decided it was a great idea to take everything out of our walk in closet and remodel it. Great idea, yes. Finished in a weekend, heck no!

I arrived home that Saturday to find my things scattered throughout the house. There was clothing, books, shoes, memorabilia and various other items seemingly in every corner of the house. When I saw the disarray I was overwhelmed. The very thought of someone, even my husband, moving all my personal belongings felt very invasive and I was immediately put off by the entire process of de-cluttering and reorganizing. Seeing everything in front of my own eyes, the collection of things I have acquired, was unsettling on so many levels.

I have to admit, this whole process drained me. The physical and time consuming progression of this chore made my skin crawl. I didn’t want to face sorting through lifetime’s worth of material possessions. Choosing what still fit, what I wanted to keep and what I was willing to let go of became dreadful.

I started to comb through writings and journals from the last few years. As I read some of the words they seemed so foreign to me. I remembered instances in my life and once again relived them through my own words and perspective I held at that time, in that space. So much of what I expressed was no longer a part of me. It was not my reality. The feelings and emotions, just like the old clothes and shoes, no longer fit me anymore.

I gathered together the belongings I wanted to keep. I arranged them neatly into the remodeled closet, taking care with each piece. What I wanted to discard, I put into bags to gift to someone else.

I went through each journal, keeping the writings that were important, and ripping out the pages that did not fit. I carried these pages outside, along with some matches, and lit them on fire. It was a form of release and cleansing for me. It was a statement to the universe of who I am, right now and who I can no longer be.

After that ritual, I was propelled to sort through more things in the house. It was beautiful to be in the process of creating new energy and releasing what no longer served my purpose.

What a wonderful gift to let go of the old beliefs that held me back from moving forward. It amazes me to think how one simple weekend project can become a life changing event. Sometimes it’s the smallest things that bring about the largest shifts in perspective.


1 comment:

  1. Ah, I can so related to this... though I am going through 25 years of living in this house and preparing to there is letting go completely...and I am having such openings as I physically let go of my past/history of beliefs and more. Heart opening for the new beginnings I am creating. Great piece, Saturns Lady... thanks for writing and sharing.
