Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Shift

The Shift

By Jude Currivan

Prophecies ranging from the ancient Maya to contemporary mystics around the world and the elders of the primary peoples, who still walk the Earth, state that this is a time of transformation.

The Maya calendar ends at the December solstice of 2012, which they perceived as being the culmination of myriad cycles of consciousness and a Shift in collective awareness, not only for ourselves but for Gaia and the entirety of our Solar - or Soular - System.

A new vision of the Cosmos is emerging which reconciles science and Spirit in a more personally empowering way than ever before. This new awareness is of a wholly interconnected, conscious and holographic universe and has radical implications for each and every one of us. For it reveals that all that we term 'reality' is wholly integrated and that we are ultimately both its creation and co-creator. And synchronistically, this understanding is unfolding as, individually and collectively, we are beginning to access our own holographic consciousness - and re-member who we really are.

We are now able to access newly available energies that transcend our personal sense of self. They liberate our perception, enabling us to release old patterns and limitations. And as we free ourselves, we are empowered to fully embody the higher purpose of our soul and to consciously co-create the emergence of a new cosmic age.

As individuals, our ego-based consciousness is mediated through seven energetic vortices or chakras. In music, the eighth note is needed to complete an octave. And so it is for us, for it is the 8th chakra, which completes the octave of our personality-based consciousness and which is the energetic portal to our higher awareness, guidance and soul level purpose. The 8th chakra is the first transpersonal chakra of the twelve-chakra energy field of our soul, whose complete attainment enables us to directly experience unity awareness. The great spiritual teachers have all avowed that this is our fundamental nature and destiny and have shown us paths to our embodiment of this, our soul-based consciousness.

We are now becoming able to expand our awareness to the compassionate level of the universal heart of our 8th chakra and access the holographic wisdom of our transpersonal, higher self.

As we do so, we re-member ourselves, and re-establish profound relationship with our human family, Gaia - the living Earth - and the wider Cosmos. Every one of us is walking our own unique path to an ultimate destination that's shared by us all. The universal heart of the 8th chakra empowers each of us to choose our own way forward in service to our cosmic destiny.

Each year at the winter solstice dawn, the Sun once more commences its yearly spiral from dark to light. From ancient times, this day traditionally welcomes the birth of the archetypal solar hero, whose outer quest and inner journey to wholeness is known and depicted by many names in mythic sagas and myriad spiritual teachings. It was never meant that the solar - or soular - hero should be worshipped; but rather, to be emulated. For every one of us has this divine potential within us. For two thousand years, the voice of that greatest of soular heroes, has gone unheeded. For Jesus said, in John 14:12 'As I do these things, so shall ye do them, and greater'. We are the ones he spoke of and each of us can now choose, with the spiritual support of the Cosmos, to undertake the journey of the soular hero.

As I'm sure you have, I've discovered that way-showers on our ongoing journey to wholeness are synchronicities and every day miracles. Such moments confirm to me that we are spiritually nurtured beyond measure. As we expand our awareness and open ourselves to the flow of the Cosmos, we're now able to directly connect with the archetypal aspects of our individual and collective psyche - and directly access spiritual guidance including the assembly of Angels and the Ascended Masters of all spiritual traditions. Together we have arrived at this threshold of transformation. The universal heart of the 8th chakra is now awakening within us and we are each able to undertake the journey of the soular hero. In doing so, we empower others and ourselves, in service with and to our cosmic destiny.

I send you love and all blessings and invite you to be a fellow traveler as together we journey HOME to birth the reality of Heaven on Mother Earth.


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